Re: Is a source for average browser statistics?

by Tamara <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 01 May 2001 09:09:54 -0500
 To:  "Louise Dade" <louise.dade(at)>,
"HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  ac
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 11:57 AM 4/30/2001 +0100, Louise Dade wrote:
>I have recently taken on the job of assessing a wesite and writing a report
>on it for technical and usability features.  What I would like to know is if
>there is a generally recognised, validated and verifiable source for web
>trends which go beyond just a single site's statistics? (I remember the
>discussion of "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" last year, but no resources
>for obtaining that information were actually put forward).


I have also watched several threads about these types of statistics and 
there has yet to be a source put forward that doesn't have some sort of 
problem. IMO, the internet is so wide open that assessing this type of 
information is going to completely depend on the audience and the 
service/person reporting the stats. What one person registers for an 
educational site is going to be far different from what a commercial site 
would see. Also, I surf at 800x600 and have all those annoying sidebar 
things off. How many 800x600 surfers have them on? If so, what's the 
resulting screen width? And that's just one example of how hard it can be 
to determine these things. And, what viewers in different areas of the US 
use to access sites could be far different from those in Taiwan, India, etc.

If you look back over some of the posts, you'll find several resources that 
can point you in the right direction, but definitive? No. I haven't seen 
one yet and that's why the Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics thread didn't 
offer one.

Good luck!
<tamara />

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