Re: Printout of CSS pages

by Blue Tapp <blue(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:57:58 -0500
 To:  Mike Henden <mike.henden(at)>,
HWG Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I JUST learned this in my CSS class last week.  The style properties following your media="screen" are designating how the page should look only on your monitor.  Any default properties should print the same but designated styles would probably be unpredictable.  I believe that if you are going to use the media="screen" command for NN, then you will have to include a second set of style commands specifically for the printout in which you use media="print".   Hope this makes sense.  And bear in mind that I'm very new at CSS.


At 10:47 AM 6/19/01 +1200, you wrote:
>Hi all...
>To those who offered advice on my CSS query the other week... many thanks!!
>I've re-worked an existing site to take advantage of CSS. It looks much better and translates well across platforms and browsers. But... my client cannot print out pages anymore!
>What I have done is set up a single style sheet (embassy_styles.css) and included a link in the head of each page as follows:
><.link rel=StyleSheet href="../embassy_styles.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
>I'm a Netscape (nutscrape   :  ]  ) fan anyway... in fact I only put up with Internet Exploiter due to M$'s continuing plans for domination of the Internet (but I won't even go there now...). I've read that it's necessary to include the media statement "screen" to enable Netscape to render pages using an external stylesheet. Have tested the page on my own system with the following results:
>1. Wrote a postscript file out of Netscape and ripped it using Acrobat. Could open, read and print from Acrobat Reader
>2. Opened page in IE4.5 browser (Mac) and printed. Some of the fonts were dropped (substituted for a system font) but the page did print.
>3. Opended page in Netscape (Communicator 4.7) and printed ('foreground' mode for Mac). The dialog box immediately disappeared and there was a flurry of disk activity. After about 5 minutes the page eventually emerged (intact but with reduced font sizes). I realise that nowadays a (comparatively) small population of Netizens use Netscape -- however my client is amongst that minority.
>Can someone out there give me an insight as to what is happening and what I can do about it? Come to think of it there are a number of occasions when I have found that the only way ensure that you do get some sort of printout from web pages when browsing in Netscape is to go the Postscript route, which is a pain...

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