Re: smart tags

by Kukla Fran and Ollie <weblists2001(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 18 Aug 2001 10:37:42 -0700
 To:  HWG Techniques <hwg-techniques(at)>
 Cc:  Noteworthy Web Designs <webmaster(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

The Smart Tags issue was debated here a while back.  Apparently it was hot 
in quite a few places because M$ announced they were withdrawing Smart Tags 
from the next release of IE.  (We'll see how long that lasts and if they 
issue a silent upgrade incorporating Smart Tags at a later date ...)

The bone of contention most people had was if you did not want a site to be 
abused by Smart Tags, you had to go through every page and add additional 
code to *not* be part of it.  This flies in the face of common sense, 
courtesy and common decency where if you want to be part of something you 
*add* the feature.

You might want to question KillerTacticsJournal because their comments are 
about 60 days too late.  They are a bit slow on what's really happening.


At 09:44 2001-08-18 -0500, Noteworthy Web Designs wrote:
>Does anyone know anything about this?
>I have a customer who subscribes to this who is very concerned. What a
>pain it would be to add the tag they mentioned to all my pages (hundreds
>and hundreds!) Is it really necessary?
>Karen Stafford
>Noteworthy Web Designs
>"Websites Composed with Jazz"
>Web Design,Hosting,Search Promotion

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