Time To Unite

by Kukla Fran and Ollie <weblists2001(at)yahoo.com>

 Date:  Tue, 11 Sep 2001 12:12:31 -0700
 To:  hwg-basics(at)hwg.org,
  todo: View Thread, Original
The List Moms and List Dads can punish me any way they want for this post 
but at this stage of events, your punishment is irrelevant.

America is experiencing its greatest crisis in its history right 
now.  There is no question these acts of terrorism will not go 
unpunished.  Let's just make sure the punishment comes from those charged 
with the job.  I ask that we all take some time to reflect, amid the 
disbelief and tears, to stay calm.  Please do not take out your anger and 
frustration on others not like you, whether on these lists, other mailing 
lists, or on the street, wherever you may be.  Using the Internet to 
threaten, scream, yell, etc., does no good.  Let's use it to share 
information and communicate.

For Americans on this list, the most visible sign we can broadcast to the 
world right now is to fly the flag. I urge everyone, be it offices or 
homes, to fly the Stars and Stripes.  And keep it flying day and 
night.  Yes, at half-mast if possible, but fly the flag. The yellow ribbons 
will certainly come later, but Old Glory waving says America is united.  It 
makes no difference which side of the political fence you are on, or 
not.  This is something far above internal politics.

Finally, offer a prayer, or two.  The worst may not be over, for America, 
and even the world.

I urge you to distribute this message far and wide.


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