RE: Alternate Text does not work in Netscape 6

by Charles A Upsdell <cupsdell(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 07 Nov 2001 17:55:26 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 Cc:  "Ben Chang" <ben.chang(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  bts
  todo: View Thread, Original
A bit of clarification may help here.  The ALT attribute specifies text to 
be displayed if the image is not displayed.  Browsers have traditionally 
displayed this text when the cursor hovers over the image, but this 
behaviour is not mandated by the specifications.  If you want text to 
appear when the text hovers over the image, you should specify the text 
using the TITLE attribute.

Of course, for backward compatibility (for NN4 and older browsers), this 
means you should specify the text in both the ALT and TITLE attributes.

- HTH, Chuck Upsdell

At 03:10 PM 11/07/01, you wrote:
>I'm simply asking about the <img src="filename.gif" ALT="alternate text">
>The alternate text simply don't show in Netscape version 6 when mouse over.
>And if this is a documented bug, where is this documented? and when will 
>Netscape fix it?

Chuck Upsdell
Email:     cupsdell(at)

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