Re: XHTML page causes horizontal scrolling when inside a frame?

by Charles A Upsdell <cupsdell(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 06 Oct 2002 15:14:07 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 Cc:  "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  oemcomputer
  todo: View Thread, Original
A known IE6 problem.

At 12:37 PM 10/06/02, you wrote:
>I have an XHTML page that, for all intent and purpose, is the exact same
>page I had embedded in my frame as HTML 4.0 transitional, except now I have
>changed the header to the "transitional" XHTML DTD at the top and have
>changed my tags to ensure they are valid or "well-formed."
>Now the page appears with a horizontal scroll bar when embedded inside a
>frame, even though the content all fits on the screen.  If I remove the DTD
>header from the top, then the horizontal scroll bar disappears.
>What is it about the transitional XHTML DTD that causes the horizontal
>scroll bar?  Is it a known issue?  I also made sure the frameset itself was
>using the XHTML frameset DTD, and had the same results.   Also, the frameset
>is using the usual scrolling attributes to determine if a page should scroll
>or not based on how it fits in the window.  Clearly, it's not working
>correctly in XHTML.  The scrollbar does not appear if you open the page by
>itself with the DTD --it only happens when it's part of a frameset.

Chuck Upsdell
Email:     cupsdell(at)

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