by Collette McNeill <collette(at)>
NoteTab is VERY cool and there's a free version, to boot. I use NoteTab
Light all the time, all day long, for everything from perl to research to
generating invoices. It has many, many nifty functions that I haven't had
time to learn about, but so far I've used the ability to drag-copy text
into other applications, a stay-on-top funtion (so valuable when taking
notes or dragging text), and the icon-in-system-tray function which saves
space on your taskbar.
The tabs are extremely useful, too. You can rename files without actually
saving them, so the tabs make sense.
At 04:02 PM 5/4/03 -0500, you wrote:
>I use NoteTab ( It's a revved up version of the Windows
>NotePad. You can open multiple files and do a search and replace on all of
>them at once. It also has a library that allows you to double-click an HTML
>tag name and it is automatically inserted into your page. I have several
>custom librarys for tags that I use frequently.
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