Re: Image background looking funky

by Christopher Higgs <chiggs(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:17:18 +1000
 To:  Noteworthy CyberSolutions <mail(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  mycomputer
  todo: View Thread, Original
G'Day Karen,

At 07:56 PM 15/09/2002 -0500, Noteworthy CyberSolutions wrote:
>I had completed a site at, where the
>backgrounds looked fine for both myself and my customer. However, he
>decided one day to check it out at an Internet caf=E9, and said he got the
>following view: "Basically imagine the picture of the sea. cut one
>quarter from the beginning, with the sun & paste it to the end. it looks
>"out of sync"  and also the "About page" the scenery looks "Pasted"".
>Now, I've never taken advantage of one of those caf=E9's:-), but I'm
>assuming it's the size of the monitor that's causing the repeated
>background effect, and not the scroll that we wanted.

The image isn't wide enough to prevent it tiling at large resolutions.

>Any suggestions on
>making it more uniform

The only solution would be to make the image larger.  It tiles in both=20
directions too, so you need to add to both width and length.  I had to=20
resize my browser pretty small to get the scrolly text effect!

My screen resolution is 1280x960

Chris Higgs
Manager, New Learning Technology
ILFR, University of Melbourne
Phone: +61 3 8344 9749  Fax: + 61 3 9348 2156

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