Re: Liquid Site Problem

by Norman Bunn <norman.bunn(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 15 Nov 2002 10:21:11 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  craftedsolutions
  todo: View Thread, Original
Looks like it has to do with the rendering engine in IE.  Apparently IE 
tries to start rendering the table without having the entire table.  As it 
reads my table, it sees the 50% cell first (oh, better make this bigger!), 
then the next graphic (hmm, gotta make this fit too!), then the final 50% 
(oh well, we'll shove it over here somewhere even if it makes the scroll 
bar show).  Then when the page is re-accessed, it learns from the previous 
experience and renders it as desired.  Funny how reloading the page makes 
no difference, but going to another page and returning does.

I have given up on trying to make this work and resorted to my old standby 
of 100% in the final cell.  This works in IE6, NS7, NS4.8, and Opera just 
fine.  Not quite what I wanted, but...


At 04:01 PM 11/14/2002, Michael McKee wrote:
>It stretches a bit much in IE 5.2 for Mac, too. I notice that you have the 
>upper left hand cell expanding, moving the logo out from the corner. 
>Typically that's the one page element that should stay in place. Remember 
>the three most important elements in a commercial site: identity, identity 
>and identity.
>Also, at widths greater than 1024 the main body text expands so much it's 
>hard to read. Normally I prefer flexible layouts to static ones, but in 
>this case it might work better to simply write it for an 800 px window (or 
>at least, use a width of something like 85%). The top section won't 
>contract below that anyway and the extra width detracts from the 
>readability of your body text. Nice, clean, readable layout though.
>On Thursday, November 14, 2002, at 11:46  AM, Norman Bunn wrote:
>>Got a site I am building using a liquid layout.  Looks fine under 
>>Netscape 6 & 7, Opera 6.05,  at 800x600, but under IE6 it stretches too much.
>>Funny thing is when I do it on an 800x600 window on a 1600x1200 screen, 
>>it stretches too much on the first viewing.  But when I go to another 
>>page (also stretched) and come back, it looks fine.
>>Thoughts? Observations?
>best wishes,
>         michael

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