Re: Mailto: Forms

by Gary Krockover <gary(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 25 Jun 2004 21:40:38 -0500
 To:  "HWG" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  e3p3r8
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Frances,

In the original "Matt's formmail", the redirect to the thank you page would 
come with a hidden input in the form, such as (full url!):

<input name=redirect type=hidden 

In fact, the script would balk and throw an error if that page was missing 
instead of just showing a 404 error.

So, the action of the form is to the script with the full URL, such as:
<form action="" method="POST">

That redirect is then passed to the script and the script uses it to 
forward the visitor to that page after the form is processed.  No need for 
javascript and fancy onsubmit's.

There's no problem processing that form on another server as long as the 
server with the script is set to expect the form from the other 
server.  That is set in the script itself.  I have the syntax for the old 
Matt's formmail, I'd have to see your version to tell you exactly what to 


At 09:09 PM 6/25/2004, Frances Castelli wrote:
>Dear Techies,
>I'm looking for a way to add a redirect to a mailto: form.

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