Re: AOL Browsers and Forms

by DScha97041(at)

 Date:  Fri, 7 Jan 2000 12:34:05 EST
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Use a cgi script to send the form.

AOL users get promts asking if they want to stay online and if you 
don't answer yes they will log you of. If you are using IE or NN they come 
up under your window and you will not see them and get logged off. 
That may be one reason. 


In a message dated 1/7/00 8:33:54 AM, Marc(at) writes:

>A client of mine, being awkward as they generally are uses an AOL browser.
>On his site I have created a simple feedback form which works fine in
>Netscape and IE.  However, he says that 
>when he hits send, cannot send the form and instead has an email open up.
>Anyone know what's going on here (and more to the point why do people bother
>with the AOL browser?).
>Regards and Thanks in advance,
>Marc Heighway

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