Printing HTML page to fit paper - Windows OS

by Mike Henden <mike.henden(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:15:17 +1200
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all,

I've asked this question before and there's probably a simple answer, 
but as a die-hard Mac user I've been unable to find it despite 
delving into all the menus and sub-menus I can see on in the browsers 
on my client's machines (Windows98 OS). I know, I know -- I really 
should have a Windows machine for checking sites, etc but economics 
are against me at this point...

I've checked Microsoft and Netscape sites looking for any information 
(anybody have a Manual for their web browser?) to no avail. So I 
thought I would come once again to this most useful resource.

So can somebody PLEASE tell me -- where do I look in M$ Internet 
Exploiter and Nutscrape Navigator on Windows-based systems to make a 
web page 'fit to page' when printing?

On a related theme, can anybody that operates Netscape Navigator 
(English language) in a Windows environment help me by attempting to 
print the following pages. For some reason my client's 
Japanese-language Netscape Navigator drops all the text and prints 
graphics only... I would really like to know if this is a Netscape 
issue or a Japanese WindowsOS issue...

Pages to test are:
(I need to solve some layout issues with the table...)
(this page has an extra stylesheet declaration --- .media="print" -- 
which doesn't seem to help any)



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