CSS alignment

by scott bickell <sbickell(at)earthlink.net>

 Date:  Wed, 24 Oct 2001 14:44:09 -0700
 To:  hwg-techniques <hwg-techniques(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am in the process of redoing a dhtml navigation bar, which has the 
usual show/hide layers for making drop down menus appear. I have done 
a few of these in the past with the help of Dreamweaver and an 
excellent extension.

My previous menus have all aligned left with absolute positioning. 
The question is how would I make these menus align to the top and 
right of the browser window.

Or even more simply, if for example, I had a red box (layer) 100px by 
100px and I wanted to align it to the right side of the browser 
window, and allow for resizing and realignment, how is this done?


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