Re: A web designer's job?

by Kid Stevens <kstevens89(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 30 Jul 2002 21:28:57 -0600
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  cablespeed
  todo: View Thread, Original
So very true, never in the presence of anyone; say that you don't want to
do what the client wants.  It might still reach the client.

I took a course in Consulting, not consulting web designer or computer
specialist.  A consultant(psychologist) listens very closely to the client
and their wishes and then solves the client's problems!

The one most significant sentence from that course, "As a consultant, in no
matter what field of work you are in, you are a problem solver for people
not hardware."  Perception of your abilities are everything and those
perceptions are the profit in your pocket, your mind and your soul.

The last words from the instructors mouth as we left the last class, "Never
expect a Thank You, just a nice check.  Bill them for everything you do and
do more than they expect."

At 7:38 PM -0700 7/30/02, michael mckee wrote:
>What you have here is a problem of customer relations. If the client
>believes that you should be making the pdfs, make him pdfs. It's billable.
>And by all means don't prove you're "right", like Mike suggested. "Right"
>may feel good in the short term but it sure doesn't make clients happy.  For
>the short term the best solution might be to approach your client and say
>something like, "Of course I can make pdfs for you. I was trying to save you
>a little money. If you'd like I'll be more than happy to make them for you
>at $XX.00 per page."

Kid Stevens

"I need nothing more than a good woman, a good Harley(optional),
good music and good children for the good of my soul."

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