Re: CSS Background Image

by Kid Stevens <Kidstevens(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 14 Jul 2002 15:31:21 -0600
 To:  Paul Kmecak <pjkmecak(at)>,
hwg-tech <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  snet
  todo: View Thread, Original
body.electric {
background-image: url(grafs/black.gif);
background-repeat: repeat;

You can see that in action at

My style sheet resides in the same directory as the HTML code.  Why slow
down page loads by having to go out to a DNS server then back into the
directories again because the address is absolute.  If the picture is in a
different directory on the same server/account from the stylesheet then the
path is href="http://../images/blah blah"

As the words of Paul Kmecak fell from above I was tickled at 4:01 PM -0400
on 7/14/02:

>Hi, All!!!
>I'm trying to get the CSS background-image parameter to work.  I've
>checked Cascading Style Sheets Designing for the Web Second Edition by
>Lie and Bos, I've checked the info at, and I'm still
>having "an opportunity for improvement".
>Lie and Bos say the parameter can be
>background-image: url(images/buttonBackground.gif);
> says since the url is relative to the style sheet, not the
>HTML, an absolute address, not a relative address is best.  The absolute
>version is
>top left;
>I'm trying to get this right on my own system before posting it to the
>If anybody can provide insight as to what I'm doing incorrectly, or
>point me to a site where this is done correctly, I would appreciate it.
>Paul Kmecak

Kid Stevens

"Communication in one direction is just a lecture,  a telling of words,
a one way street, true communication is a two way street with
a speaker and a respondent at each end"
-Kid Stevens

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