Free or Almost Free Courses

by Beverager1(at)

 Date:  Tue, 1 Feb 2000 21:23:23 EST
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Wasn't someone recently asking about free courses?? Here's a list someone 
sent me:

FREE (or almost) Draft manuals for training classes. Very thorough 
and detailed. They have classes in all of MS Office, Access, Windows, and 
Frontpage. Classes in SQL, Javascript, HTML and Style sheets for 
beginners. Includes a utility that allows you to practice as you go. Free Academy Career Training 
Awesome list of classes in web development, management, etc. Everything from 
basic HTML to programming (perl, Visual Basic, etc.). You pay $10 to register 
for 6 modules but WELL worth it. Practice tests for MSCE, Novell certifications. 
For the hard-core techies among you. SQL Tutorial Learn SQL and practice as you go 
using the great utility included in the site. If you don't know what SQL is, 
you don't need this one yet. Free Ed Free courses in VB, HTML, Perl, CGI, etc. Search through the courses available online. 
Anyone can develop a couuse, so they vary in quality, but some are very 
professional and worth looking through. 

GOOD BUT NOT FREE Smartplanet MANY classes covering programming languages, 
MS Office basics, and a myriad of other subjects. Also offers many non-tech 
courses. Some classes are interactive (enrollment-based) with an instuctor 
and other students and some are automated. Pay $16 for a month of basic-level 
courses or pay $70 for a year of all classes. Accredited on-line education. Expensive but reputable. Some 
classes offer reduced rates if you register soon. Only a few computer courses 
but some interesting ones on campaigns, etc. 

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