Re: working clock with existing image

by WebProgrmr(at)

 Date:  Sun, 20 Feb 2000 13:41:04 EST
 To:  webmaster(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've seen an analog clock using animated gifs for graphics.  I'm sure the 
gifs could be modified to be a train.  The problem is that I remember where I 
saw it.  Was a cute little thing that some newbie passed along to me a couple 
years ago.  So why do I bring this up?  Because that solution is flawed.  The 
graphics were not seemless.  It flickered so bad it was annoying and would 
certainly be rejected by your client.

A possible solution??  Flash.  I'm no flash expert, but I'd guess it would do 
the job quite well from all the things I've seen it do.  Anyone have enough 
Flash experience to offer a confirmation of my theory?


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