OT?: Mac to PC Annoyance

by "Bastyr University WebMaster" <WebMaster(at)bastyr.edu>

 Date:  Wed, 09 Aug 2000 08:29:09 -0700
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm coming across this problem while doing web stuff, so hoping someone =
else out there can give a pointer even though it's not 100% web related.=20=

I have a document that was taken from Mac PageMaker, converted to Mac =
Word, then to Windows Word 97.  Things look generally fine in word.  =
However, when I copy text from Word to any other program, any where there =
is an instance of 'fi' or 'fl', it is replaced with a question mark.  This =
is highly annoying.  And unfortunately I can't do a global search and =
replace since some question marks are legitimate and I don't know which =
are going to be fi words and which fl words.=20
I've tried changing the font in the document and saving it as both a word =
doc and an rtf doc, but the problem still occurs.  Anyone else seen this =
happen?  Know of any way to keep it from happening?
Just thought I'd ask.=20

Doug Dossett
Bastyr University

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