bullet list w/CSS problem

by "Ben Chang" <ben.chang(at)bts.gov>

 Date:  Wed, 20 Mar 2002 10:03:12 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I have tried to figure this out for a quiet some time...but still no luck.

I have a problem putting font size 90% in the HTML bullet lists by using =
I can not put font size 90% in the <BODY> selector in CSS because of some =
other reasons; therefore, I need to create=20
another class for <UL> and <OL> to use (ex. <UL class=3D"fontsize90%">). =
If I put font size 90% in the <UL> and <OL> selector in CSS, the child =
<UL> and <OL> will be cascaded (the font size will become smaller and =
smaller). =20

Does anyone know any other way to do this quick and easy?  without putting =
a class in the <UL> and <OL> tags?
I have enclosed an example at the bottom of the message.



Example code:
	<title>CSS List testing</title>
	<style type=3D"text/css">
	/* can not put 'font-size: 90%;' in the body because of other =
reasons */ =20
	ul     { list-style-type: disc;  }  /* can not put 'font-size: =
90%;' here, will casue cascade effects */ =20
	ul ul  { list-style-type: circle; } /* second child level */
	ul ul ul  { list-style-type: square; } /* third child level */
	/* only way to do it now is to create a class for UL and OL.
	ex. .fontsize { font-size: 90%; } */ =20


			<li>TV Dinner</li>
			<li>Junk Food
					<li>Potato Chips w/ salsa</li>


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