Re: A web designer's job?

by "Martin Clifford" <MLC1(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 30 Jul 2002 13:49:54 -0400
 To:  <lonna(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Lonna,

This is the main reason contracts were conceptualized.  It is VITAL, in my =
opinion, to hold contract with your clients, stating each and every =
expectation they have of you, and every single expectation you have of =
them.  If you don't have this, then it becomes a game of "what can I =
convince her to do and have it included in the final costs."

As for your question about whether or not it is your job to convert their =
catalogue into PDF format, I say it is.  But only if you agreed to do it =
beforehand.  It's my experience that people FLAT OUT do NOT like to be =
told "no, I can't/won't do that for you."  In your position, it might've =
been in your best interest to, as someone before me said, subcontracted =
someone to do this work for the project.  Client's want to hear the words =
yes, of course, you got it, right on, no problem, etc.  Anything that goes =
against this, to them, will seem unprofessional.  That's just my opinion =
and experience.

Martin Clifford
Developer's Forums:

>>> "Lonna Poland" <lonna(at)> 07/30/02 12:41PM >>>
I have a client who wanted to put his catalog online in PDF format.
He asked me about it and I gave him information about several software
programs that would create the files for him, and that I would be
happy to put them on his web site once they were created.  Later I
found out that his friend was very critical of me, saying that if I
had been a "professional" web designer, I would have had the software
to do this for him, hence I was a poor web designer.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought it was the web designer's job
to design the backgrounds, navigation buttons/bars, and adjust/resize
pictures to put on a web site, do the layout and functionality of the
web site, etc., to make it work properly for the intention for which
it was created.  For this I have all the proper software and I have
many happy clients.  Is it my job to also have the PDF software to put
catalogs into PDF format, or is this the job of a graphics art
designer or the client himself?

Just curious.... thanks,

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