Fwd: Re: software text editors

by Nathan <natelyle(at)chartermi.net>

 Date:  Sat, 9 Feb 2002 03:03:25 -0500
 To:  HWG Techniques Email List <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>freeware.  Until now I've been using Notepad.  It
>>certainly works, but it'd be nice to have the
>>automatic indent and other features that more advanced
>>editors have.  Any suggestions?

I checked out the Vim suggestion, which has some possible use for myself,
but I'd like to ask a further extension of this question... does anyone
know of any (free, preferably) text editors for the Mac that include syntax
highliting? It doesn't have to do any GUI stuff, I just want readable code
for HTML, Javascript, etc.

Any ideas?

~Nathan Lyle
E-mail: natelyle(at)chartermi.net
Web: http://www.nathanlyle.com
Phone: (906)485-4806

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