RE: Navigation Bars

by "Mike Eovino" <meovino(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:56:05 -0400
 To:  "Vars Diane E NPRI" <VarsDE(at)Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil>,
 In-Reply-To:  NAVY
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have read (Jakob Nielsen, I think) that users are indeed getting used to
seeing things a certain way, like having your navbar down the left side of
the page.  And they like the design because it's consistent.

Just my $0.02

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-hwg-theory(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-theory(at)]On
> Behalf Of Vars Diane E NPRI
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 3:22 PM
> To: phobos23(at); hwg-theory(at)
> Subject: Re: Navigation Bars
> Using a table, you can set its width to 90% so a right-hand menu
> will be in
> the right spot for every resolution/size monitor, correct?   I have a
> tendency to design with the menu on the left or the top, myself.  The
> Intranet I work on has a menu on the right and none of our users (we have
> over 3,000) has complained or even mentioned it.  I think it is natural to
> put a menu on the left because we read from left to right and so
> we tend to
> look at the left side first.  You might want a menu on the right
> if you want
> to be different than most everyone else, or if you have something else you
> consider more important on the left side...
> Well, those are my thoughts!
> Diane
> ###################
> Susan wrote:
> I think it's because you are designing for different resolutions, so you
> never know exactly where the right edge is? Is it 600 pixels from the left
> edge, or is it 1400 pixels? You could certainly use a
> percentage-based table
> to always move it to the right, but then you lose control over
> the layout of
> everything else on your page.
> Also, consistency is very important on the web. If you see links
> on the left
> side, you know exactly what to do-even if you've only been surfing for a
> week. Like when you get in a car, you know the button/handle to put the
> windows down will be on the door. It doesn't need to be, but car
> makers know
> that's where you'll look-because most other cars have it there.
> I am curious to hear what others say on this subject.
> --Susan
> 	>From:	"David Fauteux" <phobos23(at)
> <mailto:phobos23(at)> >
> 	>I noticed that a lot of people including myself seem to place the
> 	>navbar to the left... I guess what I'm trying to get at is why? I
> 	>mean do people place navbars/links because of habit, convenience or
> is
> 	>there an actual reason for doing it... (design-wise)

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