hwg-theory archives | Jan 1998 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: UPPER or lowerby "Ben Z. Tels" <optimusb(at)stack.nl> |
It does not matter. Ben Z. Tels optimusb(at)stack.nl http://www.stack.nl/~optimusb/ UIN 2474460 "The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle forever." --Tsiolkovsky -----Original Message----- From: Errol Atterbury <errola(at)alusaf.com> To: 'hwg-theory(at)hwg.org' <hwg-theory(at)hwg.org> Date: woensdag 21 januari 1998 11:59 Subject: UPPER or lower >I know it works either way but which is more *politically correct*, >should tags be written in <UPPER> or <lower> case? Or doesn't it matter?
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