hwg-theory archives | Dec 1998 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: New Topic WYSIWYGby "jayse" <jayse(at)earthlink.net> |
>>I would think that WYSIWYG editors would be more useful if they did the job >>they do and generate conpliant code. > Dreamweaver 2.0 just came out... and is really very nice. It's a program written for serious coders that need a faster way to code. http://www.dreamweaver.com Introduces 'Roundtrip' HTML - Watch the code being written while you work in WYSIWYG - or code by hand and watch it update instantly. (and it's not some mutilated view like with Homesite or PageMill etc. etc...) Now that's power! I LIKE it! Does not re-write your code - does not insert proprietary tags and all of that annoying stuff! Consider it? Hope it helps ~ jayse
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