hwg-theory archives | Oct 1998 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: professionalism and wysiwygby "Mike Burks" <mburks952(at)worldnet.att.net> |
All, there has been mention of the ADA. I fully realize that it is a US Law, it does however have international applicablitly. And I might mention it was elequently explained by someone from outside the US. Mr. De Vries apolgies for any misspelling). Below is the DOJ ruling. Yes it has not been enforced enough yet....That will change. There are also indications that the web will evolve towards other media than visual. I will also add that using the attitude of one blind person is fine, but it does not reflect the attitudes and needs of all people with disabilities. That is a stereotype and is not necessarily valid for anyone but the person who you are referring to. The ADA says "where readily achievable" I believe are the terms. I would say if a lawsuit was brought the attitude publically displayed here by some would be relevant evidence for or against depending on the attitude displayed. The point is that people who have disablities are greatly discriminated against by merchants and employers, the web is no exception. If this was not true there would be no need for the ADA. There are about 50 million people in this country with one type of disability in this country and about 750 million worldwide. Having said that, the ADA does not apply to personal web sites. It does apply to commerical sites. And what it really says is that the information on the site has to be made available in an accessible format. This could be paper, sound etc. It does not have to be through an accessible web site. I leave it to you to discover which is more cost effective. Sincerely, Mike Burks
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