Re: Here's a question...

by simone(at) (Demitrius)

 Date:  Tue, 17 Feb 1998 16:16:39 -0800
 To:  <gendress(at)>,
"Jim Henry" <Jim.Henry(at)>
 Cc:  "HWG HTML theory mailing list" <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>FrontPage replaces this, when
>> saving, with:
>> i.e., loses the version number, etc.

FrontPage 97 does this, FP 98 does not.

FP 98 cleaned up a lot of annoyances that were present in it predecessor. In
fact, now you can skip the WYSIWYG editor altogether and work straight in
the code. But with the way you can draw out tables, and the GUI ease it
makes CSS & DHTML, why would you want to?

~ Demitrius >I<
------------------------------------------------A. Demitrius Lopez
       W  E  B  S  I  T  E     D  E  V  E  L  O  P  E  R

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