Re: Opinions

by "Chris Wilson" <chris(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 13 Mar 1998 19:55:57 -0000
 To:  "HWG Theory Theory" <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
As cunning as a fox who has just been appointed professor of cunning at
Oxford University.



-----Original Message-----
From: Demitrius <simone(at)>
To: HWG Theory Theory <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: 13 March 1998 19:01
Subject: Opinions

>If you really want to find out what the average web surfer thinks about
>website design theory, take this test.
>Go to a public library that has the Internet. Walk up to a person on a
>terminal and ask them this; "Excuse me, but may I get your opinion about
>something?" (people *love* to give their opinion)
>Continue. "I'm thinking about hiring a website developer to create a
>for my company and I'd like to get your opinion about their work. Would you
>mind telling me what you think?"
>Now, show them your URL. Do Not Tell Them The Developer Is You! Why?
>if they don't like it, they WILL NOT TELL YOU. They won't want to hurt your
>It's a real education.
>I employ this method all the time. But I do it at the company I'm creating
>the site for. I'll ask the owner/manager to bring over an employee. I'll
>that employee to critique the site - the site "my designers created"; not
>me. Then I can't shut them up. ;)
>When I used to tell the employee that I was the one creating the site,
>sometimes they wouldn't like what they saw, but they wouldn't come right
>and say it. But you could see it written all over their face. They would
>"Yuck! It's a convoluted nightmare. It makes me want to see my
therapist." -
>on the inside. On the outside they'd say, "Oh. It's nice."
>Diplomacy. What a concept.
>Demitrius >I<
>------------------------------------------------A. Demitrius Lopez
>       W  E  B  S  I  T  E     D  E  V  E  L  O  P  E  R

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