Re: Netscape 1 Specs

by "Chris Wilson" <chris(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 16 Mar 1998 19:58:53 -0000
 To:  "Esentelle" <Esentelle(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

Try Browserola.

It used to be avaliable at:

I assume that it still is.

This is a program that simulates other browsers.


Chris Wilson, CJE Technologies
ICQ: 1666363
Member: MS SBN, Level 2; HWG; IWA
Board member: IWDG

-----Original Message-----
From: Esentelle <Esentelle(at)>
To: hwg-theory(at) <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: 16 March 1998 15:08
Subject: Re: Netscape 1 Specs

>Netscape 1.x's big feature that put it above what mosaic was doing was the
>innovation of caching graphics and pages locally. It ran one browser at a
>(I'm not certain, as I was using a 16-bit system at the time). It also ran
>Html 1 and 2. Later 1.x browsers also ran the early netscape extensions
><blink>. No java, no javascript. No frames. these were all 2.x innovations
>IE 1.0 was several steps below Netscapes 1.x browser, mostly because of
>but also because of capabilities. It used html+ standards and didnt even
>the ability for forms.
>IE 2.x Was a little better. It had forms, and the rest of the html 2.0
>as well at the microsoft extensions (like <marquee>) but was incapable of
>handling javascript, java, or Active X , and in many cases these would
>IE2.0 to crash.
>In a message dated 3/16/98 7:00:46 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>duif(at) writes:
><< I am working on a site and the client wants it to work well with
>>1, and trouble is, I have never seen Netscape 1, only 2 and up.
>>Is there any references on the HTML specifications for Netscape 1 and 2
>>anywhere! Some on the early versions of IE (1+2) wouldn't be bad either.
>  >>

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