Re: Animation on a website

by "Mike Burks" <mburks952(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 8 Apr 1998 16:13:29 -0400
 To:  "Jim Tom Polk" <jtpolk(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Nicely said.


Mike Burks
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Tom Polk <jtpolk(at)>
To: hwg-theory(at) <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 1998 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Animation on a website

>Fuggimator said:
>> I think people like him really hold back technology. I'm the type of
>> person who doesn't like to use ALT tags in IMG for people who have
>> non-graphical browsers, because if they are shut off completely from
>> this aspect of the web, they will eventually feel compelled to upgrade
>> their browsing technology. I think people like my friend are missing 99%
>> of the idea of the WWW. After all, it was created to make information
>> more accessible AND better looking.
>Several points.
>Alt tags are indexed by some search engines.
>People who have non graphical browsers does not only include those who want
>to get information fast, but also people who have accessibility problems.
>Like needing to use Lynx in combination with a speech reader
>The web is a world wide medium. This includes people who have bandwidth
>contrainsts. One place I know of until recently had several hundred
>(in the USA) that only had a 56K line that handled both their interface
>the main computers but also with the Internet.
>The above organization did not allow anyone to upgrade their browser. For
>ages, they only had Netscape 2.00, then NS 3.01 until just recently.
>(FYI: they have now increased the number of computers, upgraded their
>browser, added a web server and have T1 access to the Internet).
>If the aim is to make the information more accessible AND better looking,
>one ignores the part about making the web accessible, then one has failed
>meet the aim.
>Finally, making the web accessible AND better looking are not mutually
>exclusive. It just requires thought and caring on the part of web
>Jim Tom Polk
>eMail:     jtpolk(at)
>Home Page:

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