hwg-theory archives | Aug 1998 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: Fw: Front Pagesby "Mike Burks" <mburks952(at)worldnet.att.net> |
All, as far as accessibility goes, remind your clients it is the law. Period. Sincerely, Mike Burks -----Original Message----- From: susan banta <sebanta(at)hotmail.com> To: hwg-theory(at)hwg.org <hwg-theory(at)hwg.org> Date: Saturday, August 29, 1998 9:11 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Front Pages >That same client who wants accessibility and bells and whistles also >wants a good (read cheap) price for the site. If I have to spend hours >creating all the workarounds and writing the sniffers and sub-routines >to make the flashy things happen for the 3/4 browsers yet degrade for >the older non javascript ones or for accessabiity how do I justify >that to him? I can give him both ..... but will he pay? Or do I just >do what I can sell him in terms of gimmicks and put in the alt and >title tags and let it go at that ? True accessible does not have to >equal boring and plain but how much accessibility will the client pay >for when he can only "see" the gimmicks and gadgets? > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com >
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