Re: Ten Second Delays

by "David Meadows" <david(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 1 Sep 1998 20:58:10 +0100
 To:  "Demitrius" <iam(at)>,
"hwg-theory" <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Demitrius <iam(at)> wrote:
[Quoting me:]
>>All we need is for someone to set up two identical
>> sites, one with a splash page and one without, and get
>> on this list to visit them and give their feedback on the
>> of their "browsing experience".
>Sounds like a cool idea, on the surface. If you think about it,
>we're not the audience that counts. It's the target audience of
the website
>that matters.

So, to make it a fair test we need to make sure that we *are* the
target audience of the website!

Kynn used the HWG site in one of his examples. I can guarantee
that I am part of the HWG target audience ;-)

If Kynn had put a splash page on his Spice Girls site, I guarantee
that I wouldn't get any further than the splash... hmmm, now I
think about, I guess that's a case where the splash page has
served a useful purpose...

>believe me? Then ask yourself which ISP has the most subscribers?
AOL. Why?
>Ease of use. Which other service is experiencing growth? WebTV.
Why? Ease of

Not sure about Web TV, but I think AOL owes their user base to
their agressive marketing policy. I have CDs totalling about 7,000
hours of free AOL use. They spam me with the darn things daily. I
use them for drinks mats.

>IMO, it's a mistake to listen to the wrong audience. If your
website is
>intended for the "average, everyday, run-of-the-mill web surfer",
then ask
>*them* to comment on a site.

Good plan, but I can't figure out how we can implement it...

David Meadows [ Technical Writer | Information Developer ]
DNRC Minister for Littorasy * david(at)
"Mind, body, heart and soul: we've got rock and roll
 And there's nothing they can do" -- Ian Gillan, "Gypsy's Kiss"

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