Re: Keyword effectiveness

by Bev Parks <cloudbow(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:23:46 -0700
 To:  hwg-theory(at)
 In-Reply-To:  beatrice
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:59 PM 2/23/98 -0400, Steve Granter wrote:
>The client is an independent rock band. I have suggested such things as
>reciprocal linking and a webring or two. Also, I think a better strategy for
>keywords would be to use band names that have a similar musical sound, and
>who are influences of the band who I am currently designing for. That way,
>they could draw potential visitors from the fanbase of more well-known
>bands. And these fans would also be interested in my client's site, because
>of the similar musical style. What do you think of this idea?

Hmm. At first I liked this idea, but after thinking about it a bit I'm not
so sure. If the other bands whose names you use also have web pages, it
could be looked at as your client trying to "steal" hits away from them.
Kind of like if Honda used "Toyota", "Supra", "Nissan", "Pathfinder", etc.
in their keyword lists. People interested in a competitor's car would be
drawn to the Honda site. That example may be extreme--there's a big
difference between a rock band and the auto industry. This idea *is* better
than the sex words, though. If you didn't overdo it by repeating the
keywords, it could work.

Beverly Parks

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