Re: Entire site in Flash?

by Christopher Higgs <c.higgs(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 16 Aug 1998 13:33:56 +1000
 To:  hwg-theory(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 18:52 15/08/98 +0000, jayse wrote:
>But really... 
>what the HTML counterpart is - just a version stripped of it's glory -
>sometimes. Rather like a plaintext version of a site that also has a
>high bandwith graphics version.

You mean it's possible for a site to still have content after you've taken
all the gimicks away :P

Sorry - I think this is actually a very good idea.  But the dual site setup
is obviously going to cost more - it is a matter of how much companies are
willing to pay to advertise their products/themselves correctly.

Since I haven't had the time nor funds to play around with Flash (I assume
it can't be _that_ different to Director 6) how does it fare with respect
to hooks for database interactivity?

Chris Higgs <c.higgs(at)>
Institute of Land and Food Resources
University of Melbourne

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