Re: professionalism and wysiwyg

by Christopher Higgs <c.higgs(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:30:25 +1000
 To:  thefuggimator(at)
 Cc:  hwg-theory(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
G'Day Jeff,

At 12:49 10/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I believe you are missing the point. First of all, the old-beat up Ford web
>browsers (lets just say
>Netscape or MSIE 2.0 or less) obviously does NOT meet the current needs.
Also, I
>believe that the analogies of cars is a poor one because of the cost. 

Cars aren't a good indicator - as anyone who has one will tell you, it is
not the purchase price but the operating cost that are the killer :-)

>When a user comes to a page with material it obivously can't read and
>that doesn't work, I believe that if they want to be able to view this
content, it
>is their responsibility to get over to Netscape or Microsoft and download
a new
>browser. We shouldn't have to do more work because the user is a lazy bum.

Talk about knowledge being a dangerous thing!  I know this sounds stupid,
but I know many people who blindly download updates - not watching where
the resulting files are placed - and can't understand why their system
won't show them the files correctly having "updated"!!!  This is the
mentality we are dealing with here!  They know enough to purchase material
on the web, but not to update their software even if they download it!

How do you plan to cope with this large segment of the market???

>Also, I have heard people complaining about people who aren't able to run
>browsers because of their computers. That's a load of bull. The sys reqs for
>browsing software is very minimal. I can run any browsing software
perfectly well
>on my junky old 66Mhz.

66Mhz - gee!  That's advanced for some (no, let me restate that: MOST) of
the systems I have been asked to "assist" in solving problems on!

Chris Higgs <c.higgs(at)>
Institute of Land and Food Resources
University of Melbourne

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