Re: Animation on a website

by Chris Messina <cmessina(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 04 Apr 1998 18:11:33 -0500
 To:  HWG Theory <hwg-theory(at)>
 References:  genesisnetwork
  todo: View Thread, Original
I followed this thread and have a few comments:

* blinking and flashing graphics can be annoying as hell, 
especially if they use awful color patterns or are designed

* some of the best sites use animation wisely and judiciously; i am
referreing to, and that whole crew. their adds are
generally animated, and that grabs attention. it's all part of the
commercial field.

* ever notice how commercials are always louder than the shows they
interupt? ever wonder why? consider animated graphics vs. static graphics.

* if LasVegas uses this technique, does that mean websites should also?

To conclude: website animations, when added judiciously, may keep visitors
around by mezmerizing them or impressing them. A website with /some/ bells
and whistles will give them impression (I believe) of a active company that
isn't too dull but yet not overzealous. 

As usual, moderation and judiciousness is the key!

Chris Messina
Webmaster -|- Sandstorm Publishing

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