Re: professionalism and wysiwyg

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn-hwg(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 09 Oct 1998 13:15:44 -0700
 To:  Ann Navarro <ann(at)>
 Cc:  brig(at), hwg-theory(at)
 References:  pacbell edu idyllmtn isni isni2
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 03:22 p.m. 10/09/98 -0400, Ann Navarro wrote:
>However, it's not unreasonable for a large site to require valid markup --
>the occasional slip isn't going to kill anyone, but purposeful deviation
>isn't necessarily the best business model.

Ann, I don't think it's purposeful.  I think it's ignorance and
incompetence.  I think the vast majority of "professional web
designers" don't even know what the standards are, what they do,
how to use them, where to find them, or why they're good.

These people are simply unaware that the HTML they are writing
is seriously broken.  They figure that if it works on the handful
of browsers they have on their computers, then it "works."

These people are sorely mistaken and need our help.

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn(at)>   
Chief Technologist & Co-Owner, Idyll Mountain Internet; Fullerton, California
Enroll now for my online stylesheets (CSS) class!
The voice of the future?

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