RE: Navigation Bars

by "=^.^=" <cloudbow(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 30 Apr 1999 19:07:12 -0700
 To:  hwg-theory(at)
 In-Reply-To:  co
  todo: View Thread, Original
**** Included text from Ian Davis:
>Yes, but conversely it means that non-tables browsers have to scroll to get to
>any real content. Otherwise all you see is a bunch of links and you miss any
>announcements on the home page. Look at, they put their menu on the
>right for that very reason.

Another reason for putting nav bars on the right is ergonomic. If you are
truly using the nav bar to get around the site (and not using the Back and
Forward buttons of the browser), all of your mouse actions (link clicking
and scrolling) are contained in one tight area at the right of the screen.
Your mouse hand doesn't have to move very far. If the nav bar was on the
left (as most are), you are frequently moving the mouse back and forth
across the entire width of your browser window to first click a link on the
left side, then scroll through the content using the scroll bar on the
right side, then back to the left to click another link, then right again
to scroll, etc.

Bev Parks

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