Online Course: Revised HWG D201, Accessible Web Design

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn-hwg(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 07 Feb 2001 11:44:44 -0800
 To:  hwg-theory(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
[Given the recent discussion, I thought this might be of

Announcing the first session of the newer, better HTML Writers Guild
online course D201, "Accessible Web Design" taught by Kynn and Liz

NEW COURSE D201: Accessible Web Design
2 April 2001 to 13 May 2001 (7 weeks)

      Newly revised for 2001, the Guild's popular Web Accessibility
      course returns with all-new information on Section 508
      requirements, new access devices, the W3C's Web Content
      Accessibility Guidelines, and more!  This introductory
      course will change the way you think about the Web, and
      ensure that as broad an audience as possible can use the
      sites you create, regardless of disability, browser type,
      or access method.

      The class is conducted entirely over the web through the HWG's
      online education program and lasts for seven weeks.


      Week 1:  An Introduction to Web Accessibility
      Week 2:  Removing Accessibility Barriers
      Week 3:  Browsers and Assistive Technology
      Week 4:  Removing More Accessibility Barriers
      Week 5:  Nonstandard Access Devices
      Week 6:  Software for Accessible Design
      Week 7:  Setting A Web Accessibility Standard

      For a detailed syllabus along with information on the course
      textbook, please see:


      Enrollment is limited, so sign up now to guarantee your spot!
      The course tuition is $50 for Full members of the Guild, $80
      for Trial members.  To reserve your space, go to:

      The deadline is 2 April 2001, or when all seats are filled.


      As a special favor to the web accessibility community, Kynn
      Bartlett is publicly posting the material from the old
      course, free of charge for personal use.  To see what the
      "Designing for Universal Accessibility with HTML 4.0"
      course was like, please see:

This announcement may be freely forwarded to any appropriate mailing
lists or forums.  Questions can be directed to Kynn Bartlett at

Kynn Bartlett                                    mailto:kynn(at)
Board Member, HTML Writers Guild       
AWARE Center Director          

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