XHTML error on Mac

by Jonathan Blake <jblake(at)nscee.edu>

 Date:  Mon, 15 Oct 2001 15:07:53 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  hwg-xml(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
A viewer of my website has reported an error when using IE 5.0 for Mac. He
gets the error "An error occurred parsing the XML file". The details and
source can be found in the forwarded message that I've included. The
document is also online:


I don't have access to a Mac right now to play with this. I've validated
the document with the W3C validator and so I'm now at a loss about what to
do next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 22:16:36 +0800
Subject: Hi...


I'm not sure if you remember, but some time ago I contacted you about a
problem I was having with book 8: jungle of horrors. When I try to open the
file, through either HTML or through statskeeper, an error message comes up
saying: "An error occurred parsing the XML file".

I run the program on both my iMac (233mhz, 128 RAM, Mac OS9.1, IE 5.0) and
my Powerbook (400mhz, 192 RAM, Mac OS9.1, IE 5.0). I believe last time you
recommended I update IE, but as far as I can tell, 5.0 is the latest one
available for Mac OS9. IE 5.1 requires MacOSX, which I don't have.

When I push the source button it appears exactly as below;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- Copyright &copy; 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. Published by Project
Aon. -->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

<title>The Jungle of Horrors: Title Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="aon.css" type="text/css" />

<body link="#669966" alink="#669966" vlink="#669966" text="black"
bgcolor="#ffffe4" background="bckgrnd.gif">
<div class="title"><img src="title.gif" width="450" height="100" alt="The
Jungle of Horrors" /></div>
<div class="body">
<div class="frontmatter">
<p class="title">Joe Dever and Gary Chalk</p>
  <p>Internet Edition published by <a href="http://www.projectaon.org/">The
Aon Project</a>. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of
the original version. Where we have made minor corrections, they will be
noted in the <a href="errata">Errata</a>.</p>

 <p>Publication Date: 21 July 2001</p>
  <p>Copyright &copy; 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk. Distribution of this
Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the <a
href="license">Aon Project End User License</a>.</p>

 <hr />
  <p>You are Lone Wolf. Sworn to avenge your forefathers, the Kai Lords, you
must now venture into the dreaded jungle swamps of Danarg.</p>

  <p>Guided by Lord Paido, warrior-magician of Dessi, you begin your trek
across the violent and war-torn lands of Talestria on your secret mission to
capture the prized Lorestone of Ohrido.</p>

  <p>You must survive in fearsome battle the assassins of Gnaag, the armies
of the dreaded Warlord Zegron and the chaos creatures of Agarash the

  <p>But nothing must stop you now, for if you fail the Lorestone of Ohrido
will be lost forever and vengeance will escape your

  <p><strong>Joe Dever</strong> is a contributing editor to White Dwarf,
Britain's leading fantasy games magazine. The <cite>Lone Wolf</cite> series
is the culmination of seven years of research and involvement with the
unique world of fantasy. He is currently at work on a huge compendium based
on the world of Magnamund.</p>

  <p><strong>Gary Chalk</strong> was working as a children's book
illustrator when he became involved in adventure gaming, an interest which
eventually led to the creation of several successful games. He is the
inventor/illustrator of some of Britain's biggest-selling fantasy games.</p>

<p class="center"><tt>[&nbsp;<a


<hr />
<p class="center"><tt>[ <a href="toc">Table of Contents</a> ]</tt></p>
<p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.</p>



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