by "Jenny Toller" <jenny.toller(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 23 Jan 2002 22:10:50 -0000
 To:  <aware-techniques(at)>
 References:  fouram
  todo: View Thread, Original
> A Ha... the beginning of a thread. (and there's other action going on
> yeah!!!)
Thanks for initiating all this, John!

> First, the web (in my mind) is not just a visual medium.  Oh sure, the
> visual aspect of it takes front and center, but wasn't the promise of
> (in fact it's origins), that the content could be available regardless
> the user's platform?
Hey, you speak my language, too!

> Two, accessibility _ISN'T_ just about making sites accessible to blind
> people (although watching a blind person access the web is both
humbling and
> inspiring).  What about paraplegics?  The deaf?  Someone who's mother
> is not English, or who's cultural norms is not the same as yours or
Absolutely :)
Incidentally, I'm not just a person who attempts to create web sites, I
dabble in other areas too. Today, I took a class of 11-12 year old girls
and we were considering the issue of bullying. They informed me that
exclusion is bullying. I began wondering about web sites. If you were
excluded from most web site you wanted to visit, maybe you would
consider it to be a 'fact of life' or 'one of those things' - but why
*should* you be excluded when it is so easy to include you?

>... only he can't, because it's been locked down by Joe and Joe's style
> sheet.  Who benefits here?  Had Joe used a scalable font setting
(either as
> a percentage or using the little known and even less understood
"ems"), Dad
> could have scaled up the text to the point that he could have read the
> content.  Accessibility!
Oh, if only.....
The truth is that ems don't work. Points - hopeless. The best way is not
to set the font size at all. The trouble is that this results in larger
settings (PC / IE) than desirable. Pixels work but are not scalable in
IE (though they are in Opera and Netscape6).


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