Crazy Index.html Page Loading problem

by "JerJer" <jerjer77(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 27 Mar 2003 17:30:13 -0800
 To:  <aware-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
How is it possible to view
in NN and IE and NOT view the SAME SOURCE CODE??
loads just fine in versions of Netscape Navigator.
is a blank white page in IE.  WORSE, when you view the source code in IE, it
is NOT the same source code as seen in Netscape Navigator..  A portion of
the code is missing when viewed in IE!

I have had several friends throughout the USA view the source code with the
same WRONG code. We are not viewing cached pages in IE and NOT CACHED in NN!

Holding down the "Shift" key and clicking "Refresh" does no good.

How is it possible to view
in NN and IE and NOT view the SAME SOURCE CODE??


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