Re: URLs, anchors, and Frames

by "Bert" <bdoorn(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:25:00 +0800
 To:  "Eric Pederson" <e_dog_(at)>
 Cc:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  yahoo
  todo: View Thread, Original

There's ways to overcome your problem with JavaScript.  However, a lot of
people have turned that off in their browser and it can get quite

The simplest way is to set up a separate frameset that looks exactly like
the normal frameset, but loads the desired page in one of the frames.  All
you need is a copy of the MAIN frameset and replace the src of one of the
frames.  Then put a link to the copy of the frameset in your email.

So if the normal frameset (say "./") has something like:

  frame src="menu.html"
  frame src="intro.html"

Make a copy (say "otherindex.html":)

  frame src="menu.html"
  frame src="otherintro.html"

One simple change only....

I use a variation on this idea on my own site: is not a frameset.  But
JavaScript and frames capable browsers would actually get to see the page in
frames ( ) as there is an almost
instant redirect (via JavaScript).  It needs more work but you should get
the idea.

There are other ways (including using some server side scripting to
dynamically generate the frameset) but this is IMO the simplest way to
achieve what you want to do.  Not recommended if you want to do it on more
than a dozen or so pages as you end up with a LOT of framesets.

Does this make sense?
Bert Doorn, Web Developer
CIW Associate, IWA Member
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