Re: Legality of Linking

by "David Neil, IT Consultant" <davidn(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 9 Aug 1999 06:57:51 +1200
 To:  "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Notwithstanding any difference between the keyword search option/site
location chosen for this particular enquiry which may cause a difference
between your and Chris' experience, there is the consideration of distance.
Because of the number of 'hops' between here and the MS web svrs, there is
an amazing difference in performance - as perceived at the desktop. If I run
a search on MS, even shifting from the results on 'page one' to see those on
'page two', I can expect to receive only half of the page, a joyful err msg,
and the announcement that I (what me?) timed out! Hitting F5 might just do
the trick after an attempt or two, but MS' low time settings and their
insistence on using dynamic pages (which means that the BACK button has no
browser cache meaning) is sometimes a v.frustrating exercise. The speed of
the local host and/or of the 56K modem/128K pipe has little or no impact on
this phenomenon. Nor does the choice of MS products over their
Yours from the deep south,

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Temer <temer(at)>
To: hwg-basics(at) <hwg-basics(at)>
Date: Monday, 09 August 1999 05:41
Subject: Re: Legality of Linking

|A search of "PERL and PWS" on MSDN Web Workshop turned up the
|It is an article that includes a section on:
|"Getting Perl scripts to work on PWS"
|Hope this helps. After all, I spent nearly three minutes on this.
|(Stupid, Smart A - - Grin)
|Seriously--Best wishes
|Ted Temer
|Temercraft Designs Redding, CA
|>e.g. If you want to find out how to incorporate PERL with PWS -
|just look
|>at !!!
|>(BTW - if anyone actually finds the reference - please let me
|know - I gave
|>up after several hours of searching)
|>Just playing devil's advocate here :)
|>Chris Higgs <c.higgs(at)>
|>Institute of Land and Food Resources
|>University of Melbourne

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