Re: NN vs IE (reposted)

by "Steven Antonio" <santonio(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 27 Apr 2000 00:32:38 -0400
 To:  "hwg-basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  home steves
  todo: View Thread, Original
The list owner notified me that my message bounced.  Just in case it may
still be of value, I'm reposting:

> Can some explain why the text on my site shows up bold in IE but not NN? I
> didn't bold the text through CSS, just the plain <b> tag.

>Also if i use CSS to format font, do I need to have body and td styles


According to the HTML 4.01 spec., the bold element cannot contain
a font element:

I ran your page through the online validator and was suprised to find that
it didn't pick this up  (sounds like a bug report may be in order).  I think
if you reverse the elements in question, you'll see that it will work in
both browsers.  It has been my experience that while NN supports a narrower
scope of HTML features than MSIE, what it does support, it seems to do so
with strict compliance to the W3C spec.  This is why some people have chosen
to describe NN as "picky".

Also,  on your feedback page, you left off the quotes for the value of the
font size for the word "feedback".  I didn't check your site any further.

I'm not sure about your question on using the same property statement for
multiple elements.  My initial thought was 'no', but I don't have a lot of
experience with CSS.

Steve Antonio

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