Re: asp

by BjamesD(at)

 Date:  Sun, 17 Mar 2002 07:47:07 EST
 To:  webmaster(at),
 Cc:  matthew(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
You should  have Personal Web Server (PWS) on your win98 CD's.  You can 
configure this to view your files before uploading them to the server.  
However ASP uses a database especially if your going to add/change products.  
You'll need a copy of that database.  ASP  is a fun medium in which  to work. 


Kevin. You should still be able to use Notepad, because that is what
I use when I create ASP pages. The only thing that I would watch out
for, is that when you design the pages (and I am assuming that you
are going to be using server server side ASP rather than client side ASP)
that they have to be uploaded to a server before they can be viewed 
With client side I am not sure because I never use it. This can be 
frustrating when you want to test them and they don't work because they
are not uploaded. I once completely redesigned the page because
I forgot to turn the server on. If you ever run into any problems there
are lost of great ASP discussion boards out there for help.


| Matthew Ohlman
| Ohlman Pages
"There's a difference between a philosophy and a bumper sticker. "
     Charles M. Schulz

At 11:38 AM 3/16/02 -0600, Kevin wrote:
>I have been offered a chance at maintaining a site that uses active server
>pages. The pages are basically already built, however they need someone to
>carry on with the site adding product lines when they become available. I
>have never worked with asp and was wondering if I would be able to use
>Notepad (my editor of choice) to maintain the site. Also is there anything
>else I should be made aware of?

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