Re: image problem

by "Paul Wilson" <webgooru(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 16 Jul 2001 09:06:50 -0400
 To:  "Jami" <designsbydusty(at)>,
 References:  dfyh
  todo: View Thread, Original
> can't see the difference. Could someone please look at this picture and
> me what I'm doing wrong?

The color is all off, just not the hair.  When I take a digital picture or
scan something I spend a lot of time tweeking the color to get is just

If you look at that ladies face, it is so pink/red it approaches scarlet.
This is not a normal color for anyone's face unless sunburned.  If you can't
see that then you probably need a better video card and monitor or yours is
not adjusted correctly.

The parts of here hair where you airbrushed look obvious.  This really
indicates to me that you have video problems if you couldn't tell that.

Try turning your brightness and contrast up first and see if that doesn't
make a big difference. If you continue to have trouble it's time to visit a
smaller computer shop that is knowledgable about video cards and monitors.
CompUSA and Curcuit City are poor choices because they usually don't have
knowledgable people on the floor.

 You should be using a decent 17 - 19" monitor and a good 32 meg video card.

Paul WIlson

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