Re: very basic database questions

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 02 Dec 2000 07:19:19 -0600
 To:  mamaduckie <mamaduckie(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  waldorfresources
  todo: View Thread, Original

I use PHPMyAdmin to create tables -- you can get it here:

I also bought a book called PHP Essentials by Julie C. Meloni and it got me 
started, but there are some *holes* in the book. I read where she has 
another book, PHP Fast & Easy, available with a CD-Rom that includes 
scripts, Apache, and other stuff. Plus it's in the $15-20 range as opposed 
to $35-40 which is what my copy cost. I outgrew the book a little too fast, 
in my opinion, so I wish I had tried the Fast & Easy book.

There are also tons of tutorials on the internet -- try,, and the manuals at and Oh, and yes, WebMonkey also has some 
database tutorials for databases in general as well as php/mysql, but I've 
had varying success with the Monkey.

Good luck and have fun!! It's another challenge, but I love this stuff 
already and I just got started a few months ago.


At 01:05 AM 12/2/00 -0700, mamaduckie wrote:
>Please help.  I'm drowning in a sea of unknowns.
>I'd like to convert part of my site to database (away from static 
>html).  My server supports PHP3 and 4 and MySQL.  These seem like 
>challenge enough and I don't know if I'm up to it because I can't even 
>seem to figure out how to build the tables.
>MS Access has been mentioned within my hearing a few times -- but I don't 
>have the program nor the money to buy it.  Is there another, preferably 
>free, program to help me build my tables.  Do I need a program at 
>all?  Can I build them by hand?
>Obviously I'm very ignorant on the subject.  I've read part of the SQL for 
>Dummies book.  The parts that I did understand make it all seem very 
>logical.  I think I have a bit of a handle on how to structure the tables 
>and what information I need in which tables.  But how to build them?  Am I 
>looking at this wrong?  Can it possibly be so difficult?
>Grateful for any advice or good tutorials or other sources of information.

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