pdf and tables

by ClassAct <classactdesign(at)yahoo.com>

 Date:  Sat, 02 Mar 2002 13:09:20 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)mail.hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello everyone,

I have two questions where I need your advice.

Is it possible to have a visitor fill out a pdf file/form online and sent 
back to me?  Example: Say a student goes to my site to take X exam which is 
in a pdf format. He/she fills it out in real time and sends it back to me.

The same questions apply to a table. Can it be filled out, generating each 
item dynamically, and sent without the need of forms? Example: say a 
student wants to book a schedule for an exam and requests a particular 
date/time and instructor. The student first inputs the date, the table 
calls the database and regenerates dynamically with the times available for 
that day. Then, he/she chooses the time, causing the table to regenerate 
again, and comes back showing the instructor available for that time slot. 
After the process is finished, the student sends the table to me with a 
confirmation to him/her. I know tables can be sorted dynamically but I am 
not sure they can be filled out without the aid of a form.

That I recall, I have not come across any of these situations.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Nora S.

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