Stylesheet question: Use of "pz" as a value for font-size

by harold hedelman <harold(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 7 Jan 2002 14:20:08 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Does anyone have a lead on the use of 'pz' as a font-size value (in CSS)?


Harold Hedelman            | "deeds can't dream
Exec. Dir. / Founder       |   what dreams can do" - e.e. cummings
Center for Electronic Art  |
250 Fourth Street          | "The music I've written is nothing
San Francisco, CA 94103    |      compared to the music I've heard"
415-512-9300               |                  - Beethoven        |  "Humor's an enema for the soul"
                            |                  - Robin Williams

Year 2000 Nominee for the Computerworld Smithsonian Award,

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