Idea bank (was RE: Keyword List Search)

by "Guy Hoyle" <ghoyle1(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 18 Nov 1999 12:04:11 -0600
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  Weidner
  todo: View Thread, Original
Maybe I'm on the wrong track here, and should explain myself. I need to set
up a kind of online idea bank for world design for tabletop roleplaying
games, where people can submit entries to me (along with keywords, their
name and email, etc.).  My initial idea was to set up a mail form (for
submitting ideas) and a search form (obviously for locating ideas), and set
up each entry in the "database" as a separate web page.  I'd also need some
way for the viewers to browse through the pages without necessarily knowing
any of the keywords.

Is this a viable scheme? Can you see any problems with this setup, or
suggest a better one?

Thanks in advance,


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